Guidance Counselors
Let us help your students find the most appropriate high school to apply high and reach their goals. Submit a request for an Apply High presentation using the Contact Us form below.
Bergen County middle school guidance counselors: Nominate your model rising 8th grade students to our Apply High for Free program.*

*See eligibility requirements below
Apply High for Free!
In an effort to help improve academic equity across Bergen County, Apply High offers up to 2 students (nominated by their guidance counselors) each year, complimentary consulting services including school matching and application assistance from August-November.
*Eligibility requirements include low-income and minority status as identified by home district. Nomination deadline for eligible students is September 15th of the student’s 8th grade year.
Please submit nominations via the Contact Us form below and use the Your Message field to tell us why you think your nominee would be a great candidate for this pro-bono service.
Contact Us
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